For being a Software Engineer I have learned C, C++, Java, Python Programming Languages. I have also leared Java Swing & Pyhton's Tkinter toolkit. I also build a Library Management Software using Java Swing & MySQL.
I already learned the basic HTML and CSS. I can build any simple website. My goal is learn advanced topics.
DOWNLOAD RESUMENow I am currently an internship student in Brain Station 23 tech company. It is top rated tech company in bangladesh. Here I creat, test, debug software. I am alwayes get myself familiar with new tech updates. I push myself alwayes beyond my limit.
I am the master of HTML, CSS. I know everything needed to make a website function, efficient using HTML & CSS. I didn't stop with the web. I went beyond with most popular framework called Bootstrap. I even know the deployment, server and security. I will give you 100% web solution.